Press & News

February 5, 2024
Park Hye-sang, the first Asian soprano to be signed by Deutsche Grammophon, on Friday released her second album, a project that has engaged her for more than two years.
Park, also known as Hera Park, cited the lyrics of the Seikilos epitaph, one of the oldest surviving examples of a complete musical composition, dated to around the first or second century -- “While you live, since. Have no grief at all.” This gave her the courage to delve deeper into the meaning of death while she was grappling with a sense of helplessness that came with the sudden loss of loved ones, as well as inspiration for her album.
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With 'Breath,' soprano Park Hye-sang wants to say 'embrace your life while you live'
Park Hye-sang, the first Asian soprano to be signed by Deutsche Grammophon, on Friday released her second album, a project that has engaged her for more than two years.
Park, also known as Hera Park, cited the lyrics of the Seikilos epitaph, one of the oldest surviving examples of a complete musical composition, dated to around the first or second century -- “While you live, since. Have no grief at all.” This gave her the courage to delve deeper into the meaning of death while she was grappling with a sense of helplessness that came with the sudden loss of loved ones, as well as inspiration for her album.
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March 17, 2023
As mother-daughter duo Alice and Nanetta, Ailyn Pérez and Hera Hyesang Park have a Gilmore Girls-esque dynamic; Pérez projects the ultimate cool mom while Park, as ingenue, is vastly more charming than Rory Gilmore. Park has a brilliant soprano–sparkling, clear and deceptively powerful. Pérez is somewhat muted in the first act, and not quite as comedic, but opens up with a more expansive timbre and obvious engagement as the show progresses.
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Review: The Met’s Falstaff Revival Is Fantastically Funny
As mother-daughter duo Alice and Nanetta, Ailyn Pérez and Hera Hyesang Park have a Gilmore Girls-esque dynamic; Pérez projects the ultimate cool mom while Park, as ingenue, is vastly more charming than Rory Gilmore. Park has a brilliant soprano–sparkling, clear and deceptively powerful. Pérez is somewhat muted in the first act, and not quite as comedic, but opens up with a more expansive timbre and obvious engagement as the show progresses.
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March 17, 2023
Hera’s Carnegie Hall recital, “Songs of Her,” reflected her essence in many ways. Joined by pianist Katelan Trần Terrell, “Songs of Her” inspired listeners to connect with their own soulful journeys through the universality of the human voice.
...All throughout, she was engaged with her core and managed to share her enthusiasm without compromising her voice when the music became most enlivened. Park’s interpretation of “The Year’s at the Spring” felt especially refreshing and vibrant. Overall, her brilliant tone translated Beach’s three works with a sense of pure joy and excitement.
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Carnegie Hall 2022-23 Review: Soprano Hera Hyesang Park
Hera’s Carnegie Hall recital, “Songs of Her,” reflected her essence in many ways. Joined by pianist Katelan Trần Terrell, “Songs of Her” inspired listeners to connect with their own soulful journeys through the universality of the human voice.
...All throughout, she was engaged with her core and managed to share her enthusiasm without compromising her voice when the music became most enlivened. Park’s interpretation of “The Year’s at the Spring” felt especially refreshing and vibrant. Overall, her brilliant tone translated Beach’s three works with a sense of pure joy and excitement.
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March 3, 2023
Christopher Maltman provided solid support as the jealous Ford, even if his tone turned somewhat blustery in his big monologue. While Hera Hyesang Park’s and Bogdan Volkov sounded underpowered to start, they brought an ardent lyricism to their arias in the final act; Park, in particular, showed off a velvety timbre and steely high notes that point towards bigger roles to come. Rounding out the cast, Carlo Bosi, Chauncey Packer and Richard Bernstein brought impeccable comic timing and incisive musicality to their roles.
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Belly laughs: Falstaff at the Met
Christopher Maltman provided solid support as the jealous Ford, even if his tone turned somewhat blustery in his big monologue. While Hera Hyesang Park’s and Bogdan Volkov sounded underpowered to start, they brought an ardent lyricism to their arias in the final act; Park, in particular, showed off a velvety timbre and steely high notes that point towards bigger roles to come. Rounding out the cast, Carlo Bosi, Chauncey Packer and Richard Bernstein brought impeccable comic timing and incisive musicality to their roles.
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March 3, 2023
"성악적인 컬러를 때때로 과감하게 포기하기도 했다. 내게도 도전이 되는 무대다." 차세대 디바로 꼽히는 소프라노 박혜상은 오는 3일(현지시간) 예정된 뉴욕 카네기홀 데뷔 리사이틀 무대를 이같이 소개했다.
전 세계 클래식 팬들로부터 "천사 같은 목소리", "독보적인 아름다움"이라는 찬사를 받으며 뉴욕 메트로폴리탄 오페라 주역 등 화려한 커리어를 쌓아온 박혜상에게도 카네기홀 무대는 남다를 수밖에 없다. 리사이틀을 앞두고 1일 오후 맨해튼 뉴욕한국문화원에서 만난 그는 "카네기홀은 내가 음악을 시작하기 전부터도 알고 있었던 곳"이라며 "이곳에서 솔로 리사이틀을 할 수 있는 이는 몇 없다는 것을 알기에 정말 감사한 기회로 생각하고 있다"고 소감을 전했다.
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카네기홀 데뷔 앞둔 박혜상 "성악적 컬러도 과감히 포기...내게도 도전"
"성악적인 컬러를 때때로 과감하게 포기하기도 했다. 내게도 도전이 되는 무대다." 차세대 디바로 꼽히는 소프라노 박혜상은 오는 3일(현지시간) 예정된 뉴욕 카네기홀 데뷔 리사이틀 무대를 이같이 소개했다.
전 세계 클래식 팬들로부터 "천사 같은 목소리", "독보적인 아름다움"이라는 찬사를 받으며 뉴욕 메트로폴리탄 오페라 주역 등 화려한 커리어를 쌓아온 박혜상에게도 카네기홀 무대는 남다를 수밖에 없다. 리사이틀을 앞두고 1일 오후 맨해튼 뉴욕한국문화원에서 만난 그는 "카네기홀은 내가 음악을 시작하기 전부터도 알고 있었던 곳"이라며 "이곳에서 솔로 리사이틀을 할 수 있는 이는 몇 없다는 것을 알기에 정말 감사한 기회로 생각하고 있다"고 소감을 전했다.
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March 3, 2023
그 어떤 클리셰(진부한 표현)로 나를 설명하고 과장하려하기 보단 있는 그대로를 보여주고 관객과 호흡하려고 노력하는데서 진정성이 전달된다고 깨달았다.
내가 스스로 행복해야 관객들에게도 내 마음과 열정이 전달될 수 있다. ... 나를 데려다주는 택시 아저씨와 편하게 얘기하면서 힘을 얻는다. 솔직히 내가 가진 능력으로 이렇게 누릴 가치가 있나 과분하다고 자문하기도 한다. 그래서 하늘에서 주신 이 선물에 영혼을 더 담아 노래를 하고 에너지를 낸다.
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아리랑이 조선족 민요? No.1 한국 디바, 카네기홀서 답하다
그 어떤 클리셰(진부한 표현)로 나를 설명하고 과장하려하기 보단 있는 그대로를 보여주고 관객과 호흡하려고 노력하는데서 진정성이 전달된다고 깨달았다.
내가 스스로 행복해야 관객들에게도 내 마음과 열정이 전달될 수 있다. ... 나를 데려다주는 택시 아저씨와 편하게 얘기하면서 힘을 얻는다. 솔직히 내가 가진 능력으로 이렇게 누릴 가치가 있나 과분하다고 자문하기도 한다. 그래서 하늘에서 주신 이 선물에 영혼을 더 담아 노래를 하고 에너지를 낸다.
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March 3, 2023
"카네기홀에서 오직 한 사람만을 위해 콘서트를 진행한다는 것은 누구에게나 진짜 어려운 기회"라며 "그 기회가 온 것이 너무나도 영광스럽다"고 말했다.
박혜상은 "카네기홀은 제가 음악을 시작하기도 전부터 알고 있었던 극장"이라면서 "꿈이라는 게 여러가지 정의가 있는데 그냥 여기서 노래하면 좋겠다는 정도였지, 진짜 하게 될 줄은 몰랐고 상상도 못했다"며 거듭 감격해했다.
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[인터뷰] 카네기홀 데뷔 꿈이룬 박혜상 "안예쁘게 부를거예요"
"카네기홀에서 오직 한 사람만을 위해 콘서트를 진행한다는 것은 누구에게나 진짜 어려운 기회"라며 "그 기회가 온 것이 너무나도 영광스럽다"고 말했다.
박혜상은 "카네기홀은 제가 음악을 시작하기도 전부터 알고 있었던 극장"이라면서 "꿈이라는 게 여러가지 정의가 있는데 그냥 여기서 노래하면 좋겠다는 정도였지, 진짜 하게 될 줄은 몰랐고 상상도 못했다"며 거듭 감격해했다.
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December 14, 2021
“Soprano Hera Hyesang Park stopped the show with the pathos of Pamina’s aria ‘d’affetto’ after being ‘spurned’ by Tamino”
This quote is from the New York Classical Review of Mozart’s Magic Flute, which ran at the Met from December 10, 2021, to January 5, 2022. Hera sung Pamina for the entire run.
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Hera sings Pamina at the Metropolitan Opera in New York
“Soprano Hera Hyesang Park stopped the show with the pathos of Pamina’s aria ‘d’affetto’ after being ‘spurned’ by Tamino”
This quote is from the New York Classical Review of Mozart’s Magic Flute, which ran at the Met from December 10, 2021, to January 5, 2022. Hera sung Pamina for the entire run.
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August 18, 2021
Hera makes her Canadian Opera Company debut as Lauretta in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, in Amy Lane’s production conducted by Jader Bignamini. The opening night for supporters is 29th October, and the performance will be streamed internationally the following evening. Hera’s character sings ‘O mio babbino caro,’ one of the world’s most beloved arias.
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Role debut for Hera at the Canadian Opera Company
Hera makes her Canadian Opera Company debut as Lauretta in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, in Amy Lane’s production conducted by Jader Bignamini. The opening night for supporters is 29th October, and the performance will be streamed internationally the following evening. Hera’s character sings ‘O mio babbino caro,’ one of the world’s most beloved arias.
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August 13, 2021
OperaLife Exclusive Interview
“I think that all stereotypes, by their very nature, are negative and have the potential to do harm, so I would like to see them proven wrong by everyone, in the way they behave and in the way they treat others.”
Read the full interview in Italian here.
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“I think that all stereotypes, by their very nature, are negative and have the potential to do harm, so I would like to see them proven wrong by everyone, in the way they behave and in the way they treat others.”
Read the full interview in Italian here.
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(c) Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Marcus Ebener
July 28, 2021 | Staatsoper Berlin, Berlin
Hera’s season of role debuts continues with Donizetti’s sparkling ingenue Adina in performances that will also mark her debut at Berlin Staatsoper. The celebrated opera buffa L’elisir d’amore is brought to life under the musical direction of Speranza Scappucci and director Percy Adlon.
More information and tickets here.
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Another role debut for Hera announced
26 February - 12 March 2022
Hera’s season of role debuts continues with Donizetti’s sparkling ingenue Adina in performances that will also mark her debut at Berlin Staatsoper. The celebrated opera buffa L’elisir d’amore is brought to life under the musical direction of Speranza Scappucci and director Percy Adlon.
More information and tickets here.
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July 13, 2021 | Metropolitan Opera, New York
10 December 2021 – 5 January 2022
Hera adds another role to her repertoire list when she opens as Pamina in Mozart’s The Magic Flute at the Metropolitan Opera in New York this December. Singing some of Mozart’s most beautiful music for the voice, the role of Pamina is the perfect showcase for Hera’s artistry. She’ll be joined by Matthew Polenzani as Tamino and Rolando Villazón singing his first Papageno. Dame Jane Glover conducts.
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Role debut for Hera at New York’s Metropolitan Opera
10 December 2021 – 5 January 2022
Hera adds another role to her repertoire list when she opens as Pamina in Mozart’s The Magic Flute at the Metropolitan Opera in New York this December. Singing some of Mozart’s most beautiful music for the voice, the role of Pamina is the perfect showcase for Hera’s artistry. She’ll be joined by Matthew Polenzani as Tamino and Rolando Villazón singing his first Papageno. Dame Jane Glover conducts.
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July 7, 2021 | Palais Garnier, Paris
Iconic performance artist Marina Abramović’s creation ‘7 Deaths of Maria Callas’ is her tribute to the legendary soprano with Hera playing one of Callas’s greatest characters, Violetta from Verdi’s La Traviata. After its triumphant debut at the Bavarian State Opera, the production now moves to Paris’s Palais Garnier – a theatre will strong connections to Callas in what will be one of the major theatrical events of the Autumn.
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‘7 Deaths of Maria Callas’ comes to Paris
1 - 4 September 2021
Iconic performance artist Marina Abramović’s creation ‘7 Deaths of Maria Callas’ is her tribute to the legendary soprano with Hera playing one of Callas’s greatest characters, Violetta from Verdi’s La Traviata. After its triumphant debut at the Bavarian State Opera, the production now moves to Paris’s Palais Garnier – a theatre will strong connections to Callas in what will be one of the major theatrical events of the Autumn.
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June 14, 2021 | Opus Klassik
The Opus Klassik Awards is the most high-profile classical music awards in Germany, with this year’s winners being announced on 10 October 2021 at the Konzerthaus Berlin.
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Three Opus Klassik Awards for Hera
Hera has been nominated for three Opus Klassik Awards: Young Artist of the Year (Singer), Solo Song Album of the Year ‘I Am Hera’ her debut solo recording for Deutsche Grammophon, and Innovative Concert of the Year for her participation in DG’s Yellow Lounge Concert for International Women’s Day 2021.The Opus Klassik Awards is the most high-profile classical music awards in Germany, with this year’s winners being announced on 10 October 2021 at the Konzerthaus Berlin.
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May 21, 2021 | Dailian 데일리안
한국가곡으로 스페인 ‘들었다 놨다’...박혜상 리사이틀 기립박수
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May 21, 2021 | New Daily 뉴데일리
소프라노 박혜상, 스페인 데뷔 무대 성황 "놀라움의 연속"
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May 20, 2021 | Opera Actual
De Corea a España, pasando por Mozart
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May 19, 2021 | Scherzo
MADRID / Hera Hyesang Park, una voz que dará mucho que hablar
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May 5, 2021 | Docenotas La soprano coreana Hera Hyesang Park ofrece un recital en el Auditorio Nacional
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La soprano coreana Hera Hyesang Park ofrece un recital en el Auditorio Nacional
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April, 2021 | Opera Actual
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La soprano coreana Hera Hyesang Park debutará en mayo en España
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May, 2020 | OperaWire
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How Internal Transformation Transcends the Voice – Soprano Hera Hyesang Park on Her Spiritual Journey, New Album Signing
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May, 2020 | Deutsche Grammophon
A Free Spirit — Hera Hyesang Park joins Deutsche Grammophon
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May 29, 2019 | The Independent
Hera Hyesang Park’s (...) voice and demeanour cause the audience to take her to their hearts.
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Il barbiere di Siviglia, Glyndebourne Festival Opera Review
Hera Hyesang Park’s (...) voice and demeanour cause the audience to take her to their hearts.
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May 22, 2019 | Express
'The best of all was South Korean soprano Hera Hyesang Park whose performance as Rosina was stunningly good.
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Opera review: Il Barbiere di Siviglia at Glyndebourne Festival
'The best of all was South Korean soprano Hera Hyesang Park whose performance as Rosina was stunningly good.
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May 21, 2019 | The Times
Her singing as Rossini’s determinedly provocative heroine Rosina is indeed phenomenal.
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Review: Il barbiere di Siviglia at Glyndebourne
Her singing as Rossini’s determinedly provocative heroine Rosina is indeed phenomenal.
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May 21, 2019 | Financial Times
Il barbiere di Siviglia at Glyndebourne – the humour comes through, eventually
Best among them is the young soprano Hera Hyesang Park, whose Rosina, part-coquette, part moody adolescent, is as beguiling musically as she is theatrically, making pristine work of the coloratura.
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Il barbiere di Siviglia at Glyndebourne – the humour comes through, eventually
Best among them is the young soprano Hera Hyesang Park, whose Rosina, part-coquette, part moody adolescent, is as beguiling musically as she is theatrically, making pristine work of the coloratura.
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May 20, 2019 | Bach Track
Park’s spitfire Rosina was both stroppy teen and charmer, her big smile and splendid technique winning over the audience.
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Laughter returns to Seville: a sparkling Barbiere revival at Glyndebourne
Park’s spitfire Rosina was both stroppy teen and charmer, her big smile and splendid technique winning over the audience.
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May 20, 2019 | The Stage
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Il Barbiere di Siviglia review at Glyndebourne – ‘madcap staging and world-class performances’
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May 19, 2019 | Classical Source
Hera Hyesang Park’s Rosina is probably the standout assumption, an exceptional role debut in this house. Possessed of a voice of gorgeous timbres, dazzling technical ability allied to evident musical sensitivity and a strong presence she lights up the stage. She brings Rosina the minx to life as most singers of the role can, but there is also an element of vulnerability and pathos that adds flesh and blood to the character. Her comic timing is adept, and the singing-lesson vocal antics and embellishments are hilarious. One of the finest moments is using the short storm interlude of the second Act as a visual depiction of Rosina’s feelings of anger, desperation and frustration, which Park acts well.
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Review: Barbiere di Siviglia
Hera Hyesang Park’s Rosina is probably the standout assumption, an exceptional role debut in this house. Possessed of a voice of gorgeous timbres, dazzling technical ability allied to evident musical sensitivity and a strong presence she lights up the stage. She brings Rosina the minx to life as most singers of the role can, but there is also an element of vulnerability and pathos that adds flesh and blood to the character. Her comic timing is adept, and the singing-lesson vocal antics and embellishments are hilarious. One of the finest moments is using the short storm interlude of the second Act as a visual depiction of Rosina’s feelings of anger, desperation and frustration, which Park acts well.
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November, 2018 | Opera News Magazine
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18 to Watch: Hyesang Park
“If one person is listening to my music, that is enough. If one person is getting something from me, then I’m doing my best.”Related Link →

November 2, 2018 | Review Recital Review:
Ms. Park knows how to work her prodigious skills such that they become art. Every song was given her full involvement. Phrasing always honored the intent of poet and composer. Exquisite control of dynamics lent variety and she used every color on her vocal palette.
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Recital Review:
Hyesang Park at Alice Tully Hall NY
Ms. Park knows how to work her prodigious skills such that they become art. Every song was given her full involvement. Phrasing always honored the intent of poet and composer. Exquisite control of dynamics lent variety and she used every color on her vocal palette.
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October 26, 2018 | Review Concert Review:
She was able to switch from sensual and mournful in Gabriel Fauré to the more delicate sounds of Reynaldo Hahn. The first part of the program was innocent and sad and flirtatious. She sang this part in a beautiful golden gown.
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Concert Review:
‘Hyesang Park’ at Vocal Arts DC
She was able to switch from sensual and mournful in Gabriel Fauré to the more delicate sounds of Reynaldo Hahn. The first part of the program was innocent and sad and flirtatious. She sang this part in a beautiful golden gown.
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October 25, 2018 | Review
Park’s voice is exceedingly clean in terms of intonation and tone, a beautifully contained vibrato never obscuring the center of the pitch. She opened strong with a pair of challenging arias by Purcell, which suited her instrument the best of everything on the program.
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Soprano Park makes charismatic Washington debut with Vocal Arts DC
Park’s voice is exceedingly clean in terms of intonation and tone, a beautifully contained vibrato never obscuring the center of the pitch. She opened strong with a pair of challenging arias by Purcell, which suited her instrument the best of everything on the program.
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October 15, 2018 | Review
...especially the Korean Hyesang Park (soprano), who, as the wife of Aldimira of the mentally unstable Polish king, blessed with dramatic fire as well as soulful gentleness and confidently mastered all the impositions of the virtuoso Rossini idiom.
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Seelendrama: Der Rundfunk-Chor mit Gioachino Rossinis “Sigismondo”
...especially the Korean Hyesang Park (soprano), who, as the wife of Aldimira of the mentally unstable Polish king, blessed with dramatic fire as well as soulful gentleness and confidently mastered all the impositions of the virtuoso Rossini idiom.
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October 3, 2018 | Review
...The production boasted another Operalia winner in Hyesang Park who sang Gianetta: she needs to perkily deliver the news of Nemorino’s inheritance and then soar above the chorus in the following ensemble. The audience was lucky to have Park in the cast in what may well prove to be an “I remember when…” moment.
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“L’Elisir d’Amore”, Macau, 30 September
...The production boasted another Operalia winner in Hyesang Park who sang Gianetta: she needs to perkily deliver the news of Nemorino’s inheritance and then soar above the chorus in the following ensemble. The audience was lucky to have Park in the cast in what may well prove to be an “I remember when…” moment.
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September 12, 2018 | Press
Hyesang Park, a Korean soprano, has seen her voice evolve from high coloratura to a more lyric instrument. She has been part of the Lindemann program at the Met and studied at Juilliard. Her calendar includes Musetta in La Bohème and Rosina in Il Barbiere di Siviglia.
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40 under 40: A New Generation of Superb Opera Singers
Hyesang Park, a Korean soprano, has seen her voice evolve from high coloratura to a more lyric instrument. She has been part of the Lindemann program at the Met and studied at Juilliard. Her calendar includes Musetta in La Bohème and Rosina in Il Barbiere di Siviglia.
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July, 2018 | Press
This summer, she performs Najade in Ariadne auf Naxos at Glyndebourne Festival and debuts at Bayerische Staatsoper as Despina in Così fan tutte. Last season, in her native South Korea, she performed a concert with Plácido Domingo and the role of Juliette in Roméo and Juliette. Previously, she sang Amina in the MET+Juilliard production of La Sonnambula and Fiorilla in Juilliard Opera’s production of Il Turco in Italia.
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2018 Awardee: Hyesang Park
This summer, she performs Najade in Ariadne auf Naxos at Glyndebourne Festival and debuts at Bayerische Staatsoper as Despina in Così fan tutte. Last season, in her native South Korea, she performed a concert with Plácido Domingo and the role of Juliette in Roméo and Juliette. Previously, she sang Amina in the MET+Juilliard production of La Sonnambula and Fiorilla in Juilliard Opera’s production of Il Turco in Italia.
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May 15, 2018 | Interview
As the Montreal International Musical Competition (MIMC) is fast approaching, this is the time of year when we remember the competitors of past years that dazzled us. Soprano Hyesang Park was among those who scored Montreal in the singing category by winning the second prize and the Audience Award in 2015. We met her while she was passing a few months ago.
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Hyesang Park, soprano: “The MIMC really helped me develop my career”
As the Montreal International Musical Competition (MIMC) is fast approaching, this is the time of year when we remember the competitors of past years that dazzled us. Soprano Hyesang Park was among those who scored Montreal in the singing category by winning the second prize and the Audience Award in 2015. We met her while she was passing a few months ago.
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May 14, 2018 | Review
Cuatro madrigales amatorios by Joaquín Rodrigo demonstrated Park’s vocal bona fides and intimate charm. “Con qué lavaré” harks back to Renaissance and Baroque modes and here Park’s gleaming timbre and bright sonority were deployed in a stylish and restrained manner. She delivered the more animated “De dónde venis, amore,” with gutsy flair. In “De los álamos vengo, madre,” the most famous of the songs in the cycle, Park’s control throughout her entire range, beauty of tone and charismatic stage manner recalled the greatest interpreter of this repertoire, Victoria de los Angeles.
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Soprano Park brings grace and charm to Coral Gables recital
Cuatro madrigales amatorios by Joaquín Rodrigo demonstrated Park’s vocal bona fides and intimate charm. “Con qué lavaré” harks back to Renaissance and Baroque modes and here Park’s gleaming timbre and bright sonority were deployed in a stylish and restrained manner. She delivered the more animated “De dónde venis, amore,” with gutsy flair. In “De los álamos vengo, madre,” the most famous of the songs in the cycle, Park’s control throughout her entire range, beauty of tone and charismatic stage manner recalled the greatest interpreter of this repertoire, Victoria de los Angeles.
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May, 2018 | News
Soprano Hyesang Park, a recent alumna of Juilliard and the Metropolitan Opera's prestigious Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, has racked up recent wins in Plácido Domingo's Operalia in London, Belgium's Queen Elisabeth Competition, and the Montreal International Music Competition. Accompanied by pianist Ken Noda, Park's program includes selections by Henry Purcell, Joaquin Rodrigo, Clara Schumann, Reynaldo Hahn, Gabriel Fauré, Francis Poulenc, Maurice Ravel, and Enrique Granados.
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Vocal Arts DC presents Hyesang Park, Soprano, in Recital
Soprano Hyesang Park, a recent alumna of Juilliard and the Metropolitan Opera's prestigious Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, has racked up recent wins in Plácido Domingo's Operalia in London, Belgium's Queen Elisabeth Competition, and the Montreal International Music Competition. Accompanied by pianist Ken Noda, Park's program includes selections by Henry Purcell, Joaquin Rodrigo, Clara Schumann, Reynaldo Hahn, Gabriel Fauré, Francis Poulenc, Maurice Ravel, and Enrique Granados.
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Jan, 2018 | Interview
Soprano Hyesang Park is a star on the rise. Currently represented by IMG Artists, the South Korean artist has amassed a tremendous career to this point.
Not only has she been a part of the Met Opera’s Lindemann Young Artists Program and won the coveted Hildegard Behrens Foundation Award, but she has also appeared in a number of major opera houses around the world, including the Met, Bayerische Staatsoper, and Glyndebourne Festival.
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Q & A: Soprano Hyesang Park on Brahms’ German Requiem & Falling in Love With Opera
Soprano Hyesang Park is a star on the rise. Currently represented by IMG Artists, the South Korean artist has amassed a tremendous career to this point.
Not only has she been a part of the Met Opera’s Lindemann Young Artists Program and won the coveted Hildegard Behrens Foundation Award, but she has also appeared in a number of major opera houses around the world, including the Met, Bayerische Staatsoper, and Glyndebourne Festival.
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Mar 18, 2017 | Press
Neighborhood Concert:
South Korean coloratura soprano Hyesang Park’s “melting sound and gleaming top notes” (The New York Times) perfectly complement her dramatic prowess. A star of the Korean National Opera and a graduate of The Juilliard School, Park has performed leading roles in Rossini’s Il turco in Italia, Bellini’s La sonnambula, and Caballero’s zarzuela Chateau Margaux.
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Neighborhood Concert:
Hyesang Park, Soprano
Ken Noda, Piano
South Korean coloratura soprano Hyesang Park’s “melting sound and gleaming top notes” (The New York Times) perfectly complement her dramatic prowess. A star of the Korean National Opera and a graduate of The Juilliard School, Park has performed leading roles in Rossini’s Il turco in Italia, Bellini’s La sonnambula, and Caballero’s zarzuela Chateau Margaux.
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Mar 5, 2017 | News
A native of South Korea, coloratura soprano Hyesang Park captivated the Montreal public
in 2015 by winning second prize as well as the Prix du public at the Montreal International Music Competition. With a master’s degree from the prestigious Juilliard School of Music and a contract with IMG Management, Hyesang Park is also a participant in the Lindemann Young Artist program at New York’s Metropolitain Opera. Montreal concert-goers are eagerly awaiting her return to the city with this recital.
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Recital at Motreal
A native of South Korea, coloratura soprano Hyesang Park captivated the Montreal public
in 2015 by winning second prize as well as the Prix du public at the Montreal International Music Competition. With a master’s degree from the prestigious Juilliard School of Music and a contract with IMG Management, Hyesang Park is also a participant in the Lindemann Young Artist program at New York’s Metropolitain Opera. Montreal concert-goers are eagerly awaiting her return to the city with this recital.
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Dec 4, 2016 | Interview
Young opera soprano returns home to star as Juliet prior to Met Opera debut
“Taking on the role of Shakespeare’s Juliet, one of the things that I really focused my concentration on is studying the works of Shakespeare. Of course everyone already knows the tale of ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ but I really wanted to delve deeper into the play, not just focusing on the music,” Park explained, during an interview with The Korea Herald at the Seoul Arts Center on Thursday.
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Young opera soprano returns home to star as Juliet prior to Met Opera debut
“Taking on the role of Shakespeare’s Juliet, one of the things that I really focused my concentration on is studying the works of Shakespeare. Of course everyone already knows the tale of ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ but I really wanted to delve deeper into the play, not just focusing on the music,” Park explained, during an interview with The Korea Herald at the Seoul Arts Center on Thursday.
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Jul 25, 2015 | Press
Plácido Domingo’s OPERALIA The World Opera Competition
Like the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, the Operalia is an extremely significant and prestigious competition for aspiring young opera stars and was founded in 1993 by Plácido Domingo to help singers ‘flourish internationally’. There are serious cash prizes and two Rolex watches on offer as well as a potentially major career boost for the 11 opera finalists; five of them were also Zarzuela finalists. Hye Sang Park from South Korea took home second prize and the Zarzuela prize for her extended performance.
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Plácido Domingo’s OPERALIA The World Opera Competition
Like the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, the Operalia is an extremely significant and prestigious competition for aspiring young opera stars and was founded in 1993 by Plácido Domingo to help singers ‘flourish internationally’. There are serious cash prizes and two Rolex watches on offer as well as a potentially major career boost for the 11 opera finalists; five of them were also Zarzuela finalists. Hye Sang Park from South Korea took home second prize and the Zarzuela prize for her extended performance.
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Press Enquiries
Katy Salomon
Vice President, Public Relations
Primo Artists
Office: 212.837.8466 Mobile: 863.660.2214
M: 646.801.9406
Katy Salomon
Vice President, Public Relations
Primo Artists
Office: 212.837.8466 Mobile: 863.660.2214
M: 646.801.9406
General Management
Imogen Lewis Holland
+44 7743 004371
South Korea
General Management
Imogen Lewis Holland
+44 7743 004371
South Korea
South America
Elisa Wagner
+1 917 756-0009 / + 1 212 861-6468
Elisa Wagner is authorised to represent Hera Hyesang Park in opera and concerts in Mexico and South America in 2022 and 2023.
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